Video 360 VR Walrus, hardening with cold water, immunity cold water, health ice hole

With what to begin the walrus. State of health in hardening with cool water by this technique, there is an increase in immunity. Subscribe to the channel not to miss the fresh panoramic video vr.
How to increase immunity? Cold water itself does not heal for itself, but hardening of the body it increases the internal potential of the organism.
Plunging into cold water, the human body overcomes the shock barrier, due to the fouling the body begins to include spare energy resources to maintain the thermoregulation of the body. The heat of the skin is reduced, but not paying attention to all the above-mentioned blood flow to the internal organs increases, it is actually that leads to an increase in heat generation of 10 or more times!

Corpse in frosty water With cold loads, self-development of the body is activated from within the metabolic processes, it contributes to the burning of excess fat and weight loss.

When you lead a healthy type of life. Without believing this, the sense of cholesterol and sugar in the blood decrease, the production of sex hormones increases, the aging of the cells slows down, even before their regeneration in separate organs. Emission into the blood of endorphins - the hormones of the holiday.

Tempering with water, the body cold allows a person to tolerate weather changes, resist colds and flu, protect cheerfulness and not a bad mood. Anyone who has even tried to rush at least once, will say: after swimming in the ice hole, one feels a feeling of pleasant warmth in what quantity and in the most severe frost self-discipline, an unusual lightness in the whole body is seen in the immunity, the feeling of the celebration of the life of the call.


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